Archive for November, 2008

Speeding by the World’s Tallest Water Sphere

Friday, November 28th, 2008

Here is a wonderful prototypical view of the World’s Tallest Water Sphere as many people see it speeding by on the highway. The sky is blue, the clouds are floating on high, the window is down, the sun is shining, and our view if dominated by a ghostly gray monster looming overhead, towering over us, […]

Portrait with Tower

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

Steven F. Scharff, former Union resident, now of Henderson, Nevada, shares this portrait of self with illuminated tower taken by John R. Scharff on 2008/11/01. The World’s Tallest Water Sphere is gleaming white and certainly is the center of attention of this photograph. Your eyes cannot but help but be drawn to the giant spike […]

NEWS: Construction on the WTWS?

Monday, November 10th, 2008

Brian Donohue reports (2008-11-10): “Through the fog, I noticed something new protruding from the top of the WTWS. Right out of the sphere. I think they may be putting antennae right on the top of the thing now. Tough to see through the fog. I will be back there this weekend and will try to […]

Billboard and First Antenna

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

This photo of the World’s Tallest Water Sphere was taken in the fall of 1998 and shows a clear view of the Elizabethtown Water Company billboard, the ghost water pump logo, and the first cell antenna to gird the structure. Note that at this writing, the WTWS is still ghostly gray, but has 5 cell […]