Archive for March, 2009

After All This Time the Elizabeth River Flowed

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

I looked out across the river today I saw a city in the fog and an old church tower Where the seagulls play. And all this time, the river flowed endlessly to the sea. Come with me on an epic journey from the World’s Tallest Water Sphere to the sea. For millenia, the site of […]

One Sphere to Rule Them All

Sunday, March 15th, 2009

Water Sphere Phan Gina Signorella-Arlen has contributed another of her World’s Tallest Water Sphere artistic masterpieces, this one entitled “Sphere of Sauron.” She writes, “One sphere to rule them all, one sphere to find them…” and to that we respond, “one sphere to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.” Yes, the evil […]

Paint Proposals by Gina Signorella-Arlen

Sunday, March 1st, 2009

These colorful World’s Tallest Water Sphere proposals are sent to us from Gina Signorella-Arlen, formerly of Roselle Park and self-professed WTWS groupie. Not only the photo-editing, but the titles of her works include the ironic humor that many Jerseyans share. I especially like the Zeppelin one, I am sure many Zeppelin album covers (e.g. Presence) […]