Archive for April, 2013

Austin Water Treatment Plant Tower

Sunday, April 14th, 2013

Here is a photo from November of 2009 of the dismantling and cleanup of the Austin Green Water Treatment Plant in Austin, TX. This photo looks south with Caesar Chavez Blvd. and Lady Bird Lake in the background. This water tower was a true water sphere. Not very tall, but notice the wonderful circularity of […]

Veteran Police Officer found dead in Kawameeh Park

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

A 25 year veteran of the Union County Police Department was found dead in Kawameeh Park, near Kawameeh Junior High School, in the vicinity of Union’s World’s Tallest Water Sphere. The 50 year old officer was found seated on a metal bench on the softball field at Kawameeh Park around 8 a.m. on 2013/04/10. […]

The Sunset of Water Spheres

Saturday, April 6th, 2013

As mentioned in this blog, the old style water spheres are no longer built and are a dwindling piece of American history. Today water spheroids are the more popular water tower, and the old “sphere atop a mast” style are no longer build. Reader Greg Pyne sends this photo of a lovely-but-rusting water sphere spotted […]

Plaque on a Bridge

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

Here is a bronze or copper plaque on an Elizabeth River tributary dated 1931 near the World’s Tallest Water Sphere near the Burke Parkway and Kawameeh Drive intersection. This plaque is embedded in a bridge guard rail. I love the green verdigris color of the plaque, the green mossy color spilling below, and the tan/pink […]