David Kessler Artwork

Artist and filmmaker David Kessler, Union High class of 1993, writes to share some of his fantastic photos and artwork. The image is of a ceramic tile that David painted with acrylics, created in 2002. He says,

Admittedly, the World’s Tallest Water Sphere is not always a positive symbol for me. Union was not always very kind to me. In my mind the Watersphere is a symbol of equal parts stoic (yet often misguided) pride and ridiculous irony. At the same time, I hold it’s alien form and majesty in great reverence.

A self-made photo of the WTWS taken circa 1998 was the obvious inspiration for the painting. David asked me not to crop the light post from the photo as it was a compositional element that he liked the most.

Perhaps the relationship of the nearby light post to the gargantuan tower makes a statement of the mundane which is near to us appearing larger than the fantastic which is far from us. Or perhaps the light post serves as a functional and neutral yardstick to the artistic and somewhat malevolent tower which can frighten many people with its imposing and gravity-defying omni-presence. Or perhaps the this author has been to the liquor store recently.

David’s material is copyrighted so please do not copy without his permission. He can be reached at www.withoutfurlough.com. More of his creations will be featured in future WTWS articles.

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