Some Intense Commentary
Every once in a while there are some posts about the Union water tower that get me thinking about the intensity of thoughts and the enduring imprint of the World’s Tallest Water Sphere. This post is over two years old, but for this site, it is the first time we have read and commented on it:
People from all over the world that visited Union back in the day remember the cold blue steel hanging over the town like the Trinity bomb did over the New Mexico desert.
For me, it is a reminder of the cold war days, just like those Saturday morning air raid test sirens and nuclear blast drills in grammar school.
The imagery and the intensity of the comment really strikes me. Like the author, I am a baby-boomer and experienced the Cold War days, the air raid sirens, and the nuclear blast drills. “Duck and Cover!” I have the image of Union’s water tower in my mind and in my heart with many happy and poignant experiences. However, I do not associate the water tower with the Cold War or nuclear blasts.
This web site has instructed me for many years, that the experiences and the impact of Union’s water tower has affected many people much more strongly than many other public utilities.